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iCAx开思网 首页 PTC视频教程ProductView 视频

ProductView 视频

Using Smart Explode [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
Using Smart Explode [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
PTC官方Creo Elements/View 视频教程:In this tutorial you explore the Smart Explode command. The Smart Explode command performs two actions. First, it immediately explodes the selected component in Tra ...
2012-6-19 11:47
Managing Visualization Representations [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
Managing Visualization Representations [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
PTC官方Creo Elements/View 视频教程:In this exercise, you learn how to use the Representations Table to manage existing representations and use the Visualization Collection to view multiple representa ...
2012-6-19 11:45
Working with Model Parts [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
Working with Model Parts [Creo Elements/View 9.1 视频教程]
PTC官方Creo Elements/View 视频教程:In this tutorial you will work with model parts. Working with model parts focuses on navigating the 3-D model view to locate and select desired components. Locating ...
2012-6-19 11:43
ProductView 可视化协同产品介绍
ProductView 可视化协同产品介绍
产品开发涉及到来自许多不同来源的各种内容。 许多制造商面对的一大问题是,如何高效地共享在整个产品开发过程中创建的大量数字化产品内容。 ProductView 很好地与 Windchill、Pro/ENGINEER、各种 MCAD 和 ECAD 应用 ...
2009-9-17 15:26

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